Go Bootcamp: Online Go Course
Master and Understand Go Language Deeply and Build Go Programs from Scratch. 10+ Projects, 1000+ Exercises, and more.
What does the course include?

Course’s audience:
This is a beginner-friendly course, but it’s not only a beginner course. I’ve received messages from a lot of experienced Go programmers that the course was enlightening even for them, and that’s been my goal as well.

Who is Inanc?

What is the purpose of the course?
In this course, you’ll learn how to program with Go. But, that’s only the tip of the iceberg. This course is about learning the best practices of the Go programming language. Only then, you will be able to code on your own after taking this course.
This course answers both the “whys?” and the “hows?”. You will learn how to program with Go and at the same time, you will get a sense of why Go works the way it does. We’ve included hundreds of exercises and questions. Together, we will go deeper into Go, and you will understand Go deeply.
- This is the most comprehensive online Go course on the planet Earth
- Contains hundreds of practical examples and lectures
- Updated continuously
- Not only theory or practice: Both! What, Why, How, Where to use?
- Organized clearly in modules: You can jump to any topic and start.
- Be a well-informed Go programmer
- Understand Go deeply
- Easy to understand visuals and animations
- Step by step and detailed explanations
There are:
- 1000+ of hands-on exercises, quizzes, and 100+ code-along
- Projects, tips and tricks and examples
- And, you’ll get the entire codebase
- Go is one of the most desired, easy to learn, and the highest paying programming languages.
- There are 1+ million Go programmers around the world, and the number is increasing each day exponentially.
- It’s been used by Google, Facebook, Twitter, Uber, Docker, Kubernetes, Heroku, and many others.
- Go is efficient like C, C++, and Java and Easy to use like Python and Javascript
- It’s Open-Source, Simple, Powerful, Efficient, Cross-Platform (OS X, Windows, Linux, …), Compiled, Garbage-Collected, and Concurrent
- Go is best for Command-line Tools, Web APIs, Distributed Network Applications like Microservices, Database Engines, Big-Data Processing Pipelines, and so on.
- Go has been designed by one of the most influential people in the industry: Unix: Ken Thompson, UTF-8, Plan 9: Rob Pike, and Hotspot JVM (Java Virtual Machine): Robert Griesemer.
- You’re passionate about programming
- You want to learn Go from a top Go expert with dozens of years of programming experience
- You want to learn how Go works under the hood
- You’re very very (and again very) serious about learning everything about Go from zero
- You’re willing to become a senior Go engineer
- You want to create the highest-quality Go programs
- You want to learn Go tips and tricks
- You want to solve hundreds of exercises and quizzes
- You’re ready to watch endless hours of lectures full of information
If so, then: Welcome.
Ahsan Deliri
Inanc is possibly the most well informed Go instructor you can find on the internet. When you write software there are gaps in knowledge because we are all constantly piecing ideas together.
Somethings are assumed to be common knowledge but they really aren’t. You’ll go years slightly embarrassed about not knowing how something really works and worrying about the day where that gap will cause you endless pain.
Inanc is a foundational level instructor. If you plan on writing golang as your language of choice, you will appreciate Inanc’s contributions to your future success. The truth of the matter is you’ll end up wanting him to teach more after he’s done. The price you pay is a steal for his course.
Mario Giesel
I’d like to share my experience with “Go: The Complete Bootcamp Course (Golang)”. …
I’ve completed several online Golang courses and just to speak clearly: I think this course is by far the best.
The author does not expect programming experience like other courses do. The lessons are easy to understand and quickly get to the point. A great depth of knowledge is offered.
Just to give an example: The chapter on constants includes 14 lectures where you learn so much things other resources do not bother to mention.
I like the quality of the videos. They are well scripted and I’m happy that the code is written in big letters so that it can easily be read. I also like the animations when code components fly to new places.
There are many exercises that help you to strengthen your knowledge. Also Inanc proved to be very responsive and shows much interest in what you think about how he teaches Go.
… I don’t think a better systematic source to start your Go journey with can be found in the internet. It is clear to me that Inanc put a lot of effort to create the best Go course available.
… This course is worth hundreds of dollars so don’t hesitate to support the work of this awesome guy.
Tara Galloway
I’ve really enjoyed this course. … I’ve been able to pick up enough to confidently do my job well. … I really like the teaching style, you can tell Inanc enjoys what he does and he communicates that enthusiasm well in the videos.
Upon purchasing the course you’re invited to a dedicated Slack channel where any questions are answered very quickly.
Paul Waldmann
“Hands down, the best course on Udemy!
I’ve enrolled in many different high rated courses but none of them were able to give me an instant understanding of everything that is being taught.
Inanc is explaining everything in a slow & steady pace with in-depth explanations of every topic. This course is straight to the point and with his friendly, experienced and engaging charm, he absolutely nailed it.
I’m looking forward to more videos and updates in the near future, I strongly recommend this course if you’re also serious about learning Go.
This course is going to be the GO to place, when it comes to learning go programming.”
Gustavo Castillo
“I love the course I already had some experience with Go, but I have learnt some nice tricks and concepts I didn’t know about.
It’s the most complete and well-explained golang courses I’ve watched, the videos are short enough but cover advanced things from the language.
Also there are tons of exercises and quizzes where you can prove your knowledge and reinforce it.
The instructor’s experience is really good and his way of teaching is really good as well 😀, it doesn’t matter if you’re a beginner or an experienced programmer, you can learn a lot in this course.
Thanks Inanc for sharing your knowledge and keep the awesomeness coming 💪”
Manoj Kumar
“Inanc! Thanks for this awesome Go course.
The content is really of high quality!! This will become single stop for Golang video training :) Content is quite comprehensive, ton of examples (literally!!), Slides are well crafted.
Inanc teaches with great enthusiasm and quickly responding to all the questions in Q&A.
Students can Start with zero Go knowledge and stick to the schedule and one day you will be a “Gopher”.“
Adam Hartleb
“Awesome video production and great pacing. The instructor is very knowledgeable about the language and provides tons of examples.“
Mike Kreuzer
“Awesome instructor with great video production quality, simple, clear explanations. Wonderful course. Buddha with you, Cloud Monk.“
Lionel Brianto
“The lectures are clear and efficient. I feel more comfortable thanks to the exercises and the examples. Can’t wait to get to the next part!“
Alexander Betz
This is a fantastic course which is likely to become ‘THE’ goto course for go. … Even as an intermediate programmer I am keenly awaiting new lectures to reenforce and improve my hastily pieced together knowledge.
Almost every lecture I learn something new that I had originally overlooked or only partially understood. The lectures provide an in depth understanding of golang without becoming tedious. The visualisations used are second to none.
Jeno Galaczi
… It was a delightful learning experience so far. It’s clear to me that Inanc has deep knowledge of Go and also knows how to teach, what, and in what order. Lectures are well organized and they build up your knowledge quite nicely.
Robert Philippe
Great Course. Way more information than some of the tutorials out there.
Jesper Peterson
By far the most thorough and professional golang course I’ve seen.
Henry Kijanka
Very good in creating basic concepts in understanding Go’s structures that does help in later sections of this course.
Nice blend of theory and practical assignments that are available in a tutorial style approach with solutions.
Slightly crawl pace at start but ramps up beautifully as you progress thru the sections. Looking forward to exploring GO’s file handling and web sections.
Aryan Maura
Loved It!!! Best online course you will find on Internet. Amazing content and in depth explanation. Instructor had worked hard to make this course. Extra contents i.e problems, notes, etc are well organized and documented. Highly recommended for Go Programming.
Laszlo Nesztorov
This course is excellent. Clear explanation. Step by step lessons with useful exercises. Presentation very good. Thank you so much, for the course. :-)
You can get the course by clicking the link below: